CIFAL Argentina Trains Companies on How to Align Corporate Strategy to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

8-10 January 2018, IWorkshop participants during practical exercisetuzaingó, Argentina – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Argentina (CIFAL Argentina) hosted a two-day workshop on how to align company’s corporate strategy with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Yacyretá Binacional is one of the largest hydroelectric plants in Latin America and is located between Argentina and Paraguay that provides 45% of Argentina’s total hydroelectric energy, having a major economic, environmental, and social impact in Argentina and Paraguay. With the objective of identifying ways to align the company’s corporate strategy with the SDGs, CIFAL Argentina provided Yacyretá Binacional staff a training workshop on the SDGs and targets and how to apply them within their business practices.

A total of 17 participants were introduced to the main building blocks of the SDGs and how these could be applied at the corporate level. Interactive discussions about the five main pillars of the SDGs took place, along with sessions that addressed topics such as the role of businesses in sustainable development, gender equality, health and wellbeing, and multi-stakeholder partnerships. The workshop also included practical exercises that helped them understand the 17 SDGs and how daily life is linked to each goal.

Post-workshop evaluation survey showed that 100% of participants found the content of the workshop relevant and applicable to their jobs, 94% would recommend the workshops to a colleague, and 82% considered that the information they acquired was new.

Photo: Workshop participants during practical exercises.

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