Users with the required permissions can access to this section through the ‘Invoices dashboard’ block shown on the EMS or using the corresponding link appearing on the Private menu.

Using this section, you can access to the payment list of all the website events and also consult their status.

Profiles with access

  • Administrator user
  • Event user
  • Event admin user
  • Finance user

Initial screen

Accessing to the Orders dashboard, you access to a screen including four blocks. Those blocks classify the orders according to their appearing status: pending, paid, failed and all. In each block, you can see a summation of all the invoices corresponding to that status, apart from other summation containing all the products included in those invoices.

At the bottom of each of the blocks, you can see a link providing access to the corresponding order list.

Please see that screen in the following picture:


Order dashboard

Orders list

Clicking on some of the links of the different blocks, you have access to the corresponding orders list.

On the upper part of that screen there is a search box. This search box allows searching invoices using a series of filters:

  • Event title: Field of text type used to filter introducing the event (or events) title appearing on the invoice.
  • Order Number: Field of text used to filter introducing the invoice number.
  • Order Range: Fields of text type used to filter introducing a range of invoice numbers.
  • Order date: Fields of date type used to filter a range of invoices created between those dates.
  • Name: Field of text type used to filter introducing the name of the user who places the order.
  • Org. Name: Field of simple selection type used to filter introducing the organization name of the user who places the order. The possible options are:
    • Academia
    • Government – National
    • Government – Local
    • Government – State
    • International organization (non UN)
    • NGO
    • Other
    • Private Sector
    • Regional organization
    • UN/UN System
    • UN/UN System (locally recruited)
  • State: to filter by order state (only available in All option)
    • Pending
    • Completed
    • Cancelled
  • Payment Method: Field of simple selection type used to filter introducing the payment method used. The possible options are:
    • Credit card
    • Bank transfer
  • My events: Field of checkbox type used to indicate that you only want to see the invoices of the events created by the logged user.

Below the search box, you can see the invoices list. In each invoice, the following details are included:

  • Order number
  • Date of purchase
  • Items included
  • Name of the user making the purchase
  • Total price
  • State
  • Payment method
  • Proof of payment
  • Who will pay
  • Available options.

The available actions are:

  • View order: view the order in detail. Either access the print version of the order, resend the receipt or see the payments
  • Reassing order: select another user to have the order assigned
  • Resend receipt: resend the receipt
  • View payments: view the payments related to the order
  • Delete order: total deletion of the order
All orders

Viewing an order

On the upper part of an order view page, you can see a series of tabs:

  • View: view page of the order.
  • Print friendly: order printing page
  • Edit: access to edit the order details
  • Payments: page where the order received payments are listed
  • Resend receipt: action button to send the receipt again to the user

On the picture, you can clearly see what appears on that screen: firstly, the Purchasing information about who is going to be taxed; secondly, the Order information and thirdly, the Payment instructions (only for bank transfer payments).

In the order information you can see the products included in the order indicating the following information: title of the event, unit price, quantity ant total price

Print order

In the default mode of the order, at the bottom you can see the order activity. Here you can find automatic messages, created by the system to register all transitions, and manual comments, added by users with permissions.

For each comment the data shown is the date of the comment, the message of the comment and the user that did the comment.

At the end of the order view, there are a set of action buttons to (for pending orders)

  • Validate the order: the reception of the money for the order will be confirmed and the balance will appear as $0
  • Cancel the order: the order is cancelled and not processed.

Payments tab

Using the third tab, you access to a screen including all the order payments made. Besides, there is the possibility of adding new payments indicating the following details: amount, state, payment method, amount and comments. You can also perform actions over existing payments like check it as receive or mark it as void.

Only users with permissions granted can access that section.

Order example