“We launched the Clean Energy Challenge, which sets the ambitious target that all refugee settlements –and nearby host communities – will have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy by 2030.” - Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

                                                                                   FOR MORE INFORMATION AND RECORDED VIDEO OF THE EVENT -  CLICK HERE!



31 May, 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - The Clean Energy Challenge is a multi-stakeholder effort to address collectively energy challenges and help deliver a high-energy, low-carbon future for displaced populations by 2030.

Led by UNHCR and UNITAR as the Global Platform for Action (GPA) Secretariat, it aligns the humanitarian community with Climate Action and the UN’s efforts in Greening the Blue. More than 250 personnel have joined the challenge from various organizations including private companies, international/national NGOs, research institute, UN agencies, donor/philanthropic organizations, etc.

The Challenge is a platform to explore and show innovative approaches to transition from grant-based to sustainable market-based energy models, engaging the private sector to develop local market capacities. It creates a space for sharing data and best practices between the humanitarian, development and private sectors. It welcomes innovative energy solutions, advanced finance mechanisms and increased collaboration among stakeholders in the humanitarian energy community.

Referring to key energy pledges made in the context of the Global Refugee Forum in 2019, this High-level event will spotlight how clean energy projects are already transforming the lives of refugees and local populations, and present opportunities for further support. Together we will launch a Call to Action to anchor clean energy for refugees to the global climate agenda and contribute to the High-level Dialogue on Energy in 2021.

Join us for an insightful conversation to discuss the many ways governments, businesses and aid organizations can support clean energy solutions for refugees and host communities today and in a post-COVID19 world.

Speakers and Agenda

High-Level Meeting on Clean and Safe Energy in Refugee Settings: Moving forward on the Clean Energy Challenge

Thursday 3 June 2021, 16:00-17:45 CET

Part 1: The Clean Energy Challenge: Setting the scene  


  • Andrew Harper – master of ceremonies, UNHCR Special Advisor on Climate Action 

Opening remarks

  • Filippo Grandi – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  

Part 2: Panel discussion: The current state of play on energy in displacement 

Panel discussion 

  • Joelle Hangi, Co-Founder and Director of Refugee Artist and Authors 
  • Mansoor Hamayun, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Bboxx 
  • Paraskevi Michou - Director-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, ECHO, EU Commission
  • Robert Kasande, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda

Part 3: Panel discussion: Best practice examples and ready-to-go projects 

  • Thomas Fohgrub, Head of Coordination Unit, Global Platform for Action on Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings
    and co-convener of the Clean Energy Challenge 
  • Cecilia Ragazzi, Access to Energy Lead and Senior Advisor, Mercy Corps 
  • Alexander Haack, Global Team Lead for Energizing Development, GIZ
  • Irene Sun, Senior Innovative Finance Officer, UNHCR 

Part 4: Interventions from the floor 

  • Interventions from the floorSelected Member States and other key stakeholders will be invited to take the floor. 

Humanitarian / Development  Nexus and High-Level Dialogue on Energy

  • Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme

Closing remarks 

  • Andrew Harper – UNHCR Special Advisor on Climate Action 


Partners who are engaged in the Clean Energy Challenge or are delivering sustainable energy services in displacement contexts are invited to share updates on pledges and good practices ahead of the meeting by contacting the Challenge Secretariat by emailing Aimee Jenks (aimee.jenks@unitar.org ) and Christina Gkouvali (gkouvali@unhcr.org). 

These inputs will be featured in the interventions from the floor section or in meeting follow up documentation, aimed at matching pledges toward our common vision of universal clean energy access for refugees and host communities.

Clean and Safe energy in Refugee Settings - Moving forward on the Clean Energy Challenge


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