Creativity for Development - New Free Open Access Course Available

creativity for developmentGeneva, 26 September 2016. We are pleased to announce that the new “Creativity for Development” (Crea4Dev) course is now available. Crea4Dev is an initiative of UNITAR and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

creative economyIn most countries, there is an abundance of creative talents, but the development potential of creative industries remains under-utilized. Crea4Dev was developed to raise awareness on the value of creativity and culture as pillars of sustainable development.

The Sustainable Development Goals and regional development agendas put forward the promotion of creative industries as an essential component of human development, which is cost-effective and non-polluting, and provides ownership of development processes. In that sense, Africa’s Agenda 2063 aspires “to inculcate the spirit of Panafricanism, tapping Africa’s rich heritage and culture to ensure that the creative arts are major contributors to Africa’s growth and transformation, and restoring and preserving Africa’s cultural heritage, including its languages”.

The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA Pathway) state that “SIDS possess a wealth of culture, which is a driver and an enabler for sustainable development” and support efforts “to develop cultural and creative industries, including tourism, that have a role to play in sustainable and inclusive growth”.

If you are a creative entrepreneur, a government official, if you work with or are interested in creative industries, then this course is made for you!

What are you waiting for? Sign up now for free at

Crea4Dev will be available from 3 October to 23 December 2016. It is a self-paced online course. You can sign up and complete it at any time during this period.

Related links

Creativity for Development Initiative:

Sustainable Development Goals:

List of all documents of Agenda 2063:

SAMOA Pathway – outcome document:

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