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Malaga, Spain
3 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
International University of Andalusia
CIEDES foundation
Public – by registration
Mode of Delivery
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The SDGs were agreed in September 2015 by the Heads of State in the United Nations Assembly and so far, there are many forums, summits and international meetings that have supported them and that are aligning their policies and priorities with them; the last one, the Kuala Lumpur World Urban Forum (WUF9) in February 2018. The city of Malaga has a special relationship with the United Nations and, soon, it will have a UN CIFAL Training Center, especially oriented to the Mediterranean area. It is time for these priorities to be known in all spheres of civil society, economic, political and social agents of these territories, and to reflect on the best formulas to contribute to their fulfillment and follow-up.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of global objectives to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda, which coincides over time with the priorities established in Europe for the 2020 framework, where smart, sustainable and inclusive growth is sought, which will help a European renaissance.

The course aims to raise awareness and reflect on the SDGs set by the United Nations for 2030 and its link with the European priorities of 2020, as well as to analyze the commitments and legal, political, social and lifestyle change implications that go to assume for all, especially in the field of cities and citizens in the Mediterranean area.

The relationships and synergies that may exist between the smart, sustainable and inclusive European growth priorities and the 17 SDGs and their 169 goals will be addressed, as well as the formulas for their monitoring and evaluation, where the creation of alliances and the new governance between agents have a relevant role. The role that cities can and should play as a result of the development of the European and Spanish Urban Agenda will be particularly emphasized, analyzing local cases such as Malaga.

Presentation of several papers by specialists, and debate with the attendees will be encouraged.

The target audience is the managers and technicians of the public administration at all territorial levels, representatives of economic and social agents, political representatives, as well as members of the educational field (professors, researchers, students, etc.)

Upon completion of the course, a final evaluation will be carried out to contrast the knowledge acquired during the course.