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Scenario Development, GIS, and Resilience Analysis to Strengthen FSNWG

Nairobi, Kenya
4 Days
Programme Area
Satellite Imagery and Analysis
Event Focal Point Email
IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre
Private – by invitation
Mode of Delivery
United Nations Satellite Centre UNOSAT
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The Food Security and Nutrition Working Group (FSNWG) is a regional platform founded in the early 2000’s, currently co-chaired by IGAD and FAO. Since the early 2000’s, the FNSWG has served regional governments, donors, and non-governmental agencies. Current membership includes approximately 120 organizations (IGAD, UN agencies, NGOs, donors and research institutions) who contribute to both the main working group and its subgroups (climate, nutrition, markets, food security, IDPs and refugees) The recent developments in the Horn of Africa since the Somalia famine of 2011 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development—the historic agreement to end poverty and promote shared economic prosperity, social development, and environmental protection - brought to the surface fundamental issues that call for a major shift in the way FSNWG operates. More specifically, they signalled a need for greater focus on understanding the changing nature of risks and its implications in terms of programmatic options through early warning information.


The training is seeking to build capacities on methodologies and tools that enable FSNWG members to conduct earlier analyses of the food and nutrition situation in Eastern Africa with the aim of identifying and implementing early actions. In this regard, three major sessions will be targeted by training in this workshop: scenario development, GIS mapping and resilience analysis tools and procedures. The training will take place in Nairobi, ICPAC building from 19 – 21 November 2018.

Improve the capacities of FSNWG members to conduct better resilience and food security analyses and map these analyses using GIS.

A well-defined and clear picture on the current and projected food and nutrition security situation using an evidence-based analysis and GIS mapping tools.
Improved resilience, early warning, and response by linking short-term humanitarian interventions to medium and long-term interventions through interactions and partnerships between humanitarian and development actors working on food security issues.

Expected outputs

Strengthened capacities on food security analytical tools and indicators. More specifically, the training will result in:

Skilled staff are in place who can analyse core indicators comparable at regional and national levels; and
Methodologies, guidelines, and tools are shared and documented nationally and regionally.  


Day 1

Intro to scenario development. Setting scenario parameters

Describe and classify current food security

Develop key assumptions

Impact on Household income and food sources

Events that change scenarios

Day 2

Building Agro-climatic assumptions

Building market and trade assumptions

Building acute malnutrition and mortality assumptions

Resilience measurement methodologies. Indicators informing resilience pillars. Food security indicators. Integrated and resilience context analysis. Community based resilience analysis methodology

Short RIMA questionnaire

Day 3

Overview of geospatial technologies

Intro to ArcGIS software

Create GIS data and populate attribute table

Data selection and sub settings

Working with attribute table and basic stats

Data classification, symbology, visualization

Basic spatial analysis

Map preparation

Day 4

GIS spatial analysis

Inception report for IFNAH unit strategic plan

SWOT analysis of FSNWG, RAU, IFNAH

Response to stakeholder questions

Analysis of results of SWOT and questionnaires


The course is designed to offer a balanced approach between theoretical and practical methodologies, which will enable the participants to gain maximum knowledge on the subject. It will be taught in lecture/discussion formats illustrated with Power Point presentations, live demos, videos, maps, diagrams, field visits, interactive sessions and content on web sites. Prior skills in Remote sensing and GIS are highly desirable.

Pre-selected government officials from the Greater Horn of Africa region