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19 September 2024, Jakarta – On 19 September 2024, around 80 participants of the “Leaders for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Sea and Human Security” training programme showcased their group projects, envisioning the solutions for the unique sea and human security challenges in their communities.
13 September 2024, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR will co-organize a Summit of the Future side event “Intergenerational Dialogue for a Sustainable Future: Shaping Inclusive Society through Digital Power” on 19 September (10:15–11:30 a.m. EDT [UTC−4]) in New York and online. The panel discussion will be livestreamed on UNITAR’s YouTube channel.
10 September 2024, Hiroshima, Japan - On 10 September 2024, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) launched the second phase of the "Leaders for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Sea and Human Security" (FOIP) training programme, which aims to equip leaders and officials from Asia’s public and private sectors with the skills and strategies to promote peace, security, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. The programme is financially supported by the Government of Japan.
9 September 2024, Hiroshima, Japan – On 4 September 2024, UNITAR launched its 2024 “Women’s Leadership in Tsunami-based Disaster Risk Reduction” training programme with an orientation webinar. The event brought together 267 like-minded participants with a passion to advance their involvement in women’s leadership against disaster risks, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. The programme aims to equip participants with skills to develop inclusive disaster risk reduction plans contextualized to the needs of their communities.
5 September 2024, Geneva – A total of twenty students from China joined the Youth Leadership and Global Challenges Seminar, held at UNITAR headquarters in Geneva. The seminar was organized by UNITAR in collaboration with Shanghai Creative Twin Cities for the seminar on July 9 and with Curidaosity on July 16 and 19 2024.
30 August 2024, Hiroshima, Japan - Global youth leaders called for united actions to achieve a peaceful future without nuclear weapons at the Youth Leader Conference on Nuclear Disarmament held in Hiroshima and online on 29 August 2024.
30 August 2024, Hiroshima, Japan – On 22 August 2024, UNITAR concluded the online training phase of the “Leader for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Sea and Human Security” training programme. Over 400 learners completed the 2-month learning phase, covering topics such as blue economy, ocean governance, maritime, environment, climate and food security.
28 August 2024, Geneva – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) will host a workshop and a panel discussion “AI Driven Sustainable Solutions – Pioneering Innovations to Overcome Global Challenges” on 4 September 2024 at UNITAR headquarters (World Meteorological Organization (WMO) building, A Floor, Salle D) in Geneva. Through an interactive workshop and a panel discussion, the event will explore the potential of responsible AI use for sustainable development.
26 August 2024, Hiroshima, Japan, – Today, selected participants of the Youth Leader Fund for a World without Nuclear Weapons (YLF) begin their week-long study visit to Japan. There, they will meet with survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and host their own youth-led conference.
23 August 2024, Hiroshima, Japan – On 24 July 2024, UNITAR, together with Hiroshima Prefecture and Nagasaki Prefecture, supported the Government of Austria–hosted panel discussion, “Advancing the Global Agenda of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World” in Geneva. The panel discussion was a side event to the Second Preparatory Committee for the 2026 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The panel discussion aimed to build a network of experts and youth, establish a common platform to discuss the humanitarian and environmental impact of nuclear weapons, and empower young people to engage in nuclear disarmament.