UN Photo/Mark Garten

19 August 2019, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the new free e-learning course on “Multilateral Conferences and Diplomacy for SIDs and LDCs Negotiators.” This course will take place from 14 October to 10 November 2019.

Governments and increasingly other actors such as international and non-governmental organizations use multilateral conferences as a means, and sometimes the only means, to achieve important policy objectives. As the number of conferences and meetings has risen considerably over the past twenty years, the number of government officers and other stakeholders involved in conference processes has also increased significantly. While diplomats remain at the centre of diplomacy, government officials assigned to line ministries and agencies, as well as staff of intergovernmental organizations and NGOs, are increasingly finding themselves in the role of the multilateral conference delegate.

This online course will help students enhance their performance as a conference delegate, and as a result contribute to the overall efficiency and productiveness of conferences.

The course is free of charge and specifically targets diplomats and government officials from Small Islands Developing states (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

You can find more information and apply for the course on our online catalogue: Multilateral Conferences and Diplomacy for SIDs and LDCs negotiators

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