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09 January 2023, Geneva, Switzerland – A series of tailored training was delivered by UNOSAT experts in November and December 2022 in 3 countries of the Pacific: Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and Fiji. Building up on past activities, these sessions aimed to enhance GIS capacity for Climate Resilience.
3 November 2022, Accra, Ghana - UNOSAT received the 2022 GEO SDG - GEO Participating Organization Award for its Emergency Mapping service recognizing the productivity, innovation, novelty and exemplary efforts in the use of Earth observations to support sustainable development.
Discover how UNOSAT's Emergency Mapping service has been delivering and disseminating products in different languages to maximize accessibility.
9 August 2022, Geneva, Switzerland – The United Nations Satellite Centre with Wuhan University are leveraging each other’s research and innovation capacities. After 2 years, strong results in AI for Remote Sensing are already here.
21 July 2022, Geneva, Switzerland - UNOSAT delivered a week long training in collaboration with IORA and with the support of GIZ on the use of GIT for Disaster Risk Management. This is the second part of a training programme targeting experts in a region known as the “World’s Hazard Belt”.
The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) unveiled a new interactive map of religious sites in Sweden.
15 June 2022, Geneva, Switzerland - For the past twenty years, UNOSAT has been developing its expertise in using Geospatial Information Technologies to promote evidence-based decision-making for peace, security and resilience. Discover some of the ways the experts apply their skills to inform investigations, support recovery and protect cultural heritage.
The United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) announced a collaboration with NVIDIA on training and research activities to promote the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Earth Observation activities in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with an initial emphasis on disaster management.
A category 5 Tropical Cyclone struck the Philippines in December 2021, causing significant damage and affecting a large part of the population. FUNOSAT’s Emergency Mapping service was activated to support the planning and coordination of emergency response operations with satellite imagery analysis.
08 February 2022, Geneva, Switzerland – Between 15 November 2021 and 21 January 2022, the UN Satellite Centre UNOSAT-UNITAR delivered a two-month regional e-learning course for Volta basin countries entitled “Geospatial Information Technology applications for Flood and Drought Risk Management in the Volta Basin”.