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This story is about one of the two radio programmes that has sparked a wave of environmental consciousness across Zimbabwe, educating its listeners and fostering a nationwide discussion on climate change. Based on interviews with three different individuals—the radio host, an interviewer, and a teacher—the story is explored through their unique perspectives, showcasing how the program has influenced both its creators and educators who engage with it. By providing accessible, engaging content, the show was a vital source of climate change education for a wide audience, from urban centres to remote rural communities. Its ability to spark meaningful dialogue has fostered a nationwide discussion on critical environmental issues, inspiring listeners to become more aware of their impact on the planet and take action in their daily lives.
A six-week moderated online course for professionals interested in mobilising public and private finance for climate action
Stepping up as a co-facilitator at COP28 negotiations on gender

Angela, or Angèle as she is called in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), is a National Gender and Climate Change Focal Point (NGCCFP) at the UNFCCC for the DRC and works as a course guide for the night school for new negotiators organized by the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO). Initially, Angela was educated in the area of health (tracheostomy). Her journey related to climate change started at COP22 in 2016 in Marrakech, where she met the DRC Delegation, which led to her appointment as Gender and Climate Change focal point.
Paulo Porta, Director of the Pollution and Chemical Substances Control Directorate at the Ministry of Environment, Peru, and his team have played a key role in the formulation of the Ley de Gestión Integral de Sustancias Químicas in Peru, as well as its regulation. His unit deals with two main branches: pollution control and chemicals management. It is in relation to this second area that Paulo has participated in UNITAR training courses and has worked hand in hand with specialists from the Institute. 
The agriculture powerhouse state of Mato Grosso in Brazil is not instantly linked to a green economy. But there are people there who want to change this, notably Karyna Rosetti. Karyna is a professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), who has been working to deliver green economy education to graduate and postgraduate students in the state.
28 May 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - In the vast expanse of the Pacific, where the azure waters meet lush islands, the threat of climate change is not distant, but a reality deeply anchored in the present. Rising sea levels, frequent flooding, and coastal erosion pose relentless threats to their rich ecosystems and communities. Despite contributing minimally to global carbon emissions, these island nations face staggering costs to bolster their infrastructure against climate-induced hazards. Estimates suggest that Pacific island countries need to invest between 6% and 9% of their annual GDP—which is approximately $1 billion annually for the region—to fortify their defences against climate change. In response to these urgent needs, UNOSAT has stepped up, leveraging its technological prowess and capacity-building initiatives to enhance resilience and safeguard livelihoods. 
April 2024, Bonn, Germany - UNITAR's Sustainable Cycles (Scycle) Programme published the National E-waste Monitor for Namibia and Botswana. This reports outline the current status of e-waste management in those countries and highlight significant challenges facing the countries in this regard.
26 April 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - More than 75,000 students from worldwide have enrolled in the e-course Climate Change: From Learning to Action. Now, this course has been translated into a fifth language, Chinese, and was launched in celebration of the UN Chinese Language Day. Check out what will you learn in this course.
April 12, 2024, Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia took an important step towards ramping up climate change education. The country organized an inception workshop, which brought together key partners, such as UN CC:Learn, to kickstart the development of the country’s National Climate Change Learning Strategy.
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