The University of Newcastle, CIFAL Newcastle and UNITAR are offering the Master of Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development that exposes professionals, organisations and communities to global best practice knowledge, and tools to implement the new UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. This programme equips people from diverse backgrounds to understand resilience and sustainable development principles, and systematically apply them to the design of public, private, NGO, civil society organisations and the built environment. It aims to enhance organisations’ capacity to avoid disasters, operate through extreme events and emerge better placed to face the future. Upon graduation, in addition to the University degree students will receive UN co-certification from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR). The program combines flexibility (available both online and face-to-face on campus), relevance (staff who have global best practice experience in disaster relief, reconstruction and resilience building) and employability (of potential benefit to any organisation that recognises the need to build its resilience capacity for the future.

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