Jan 2024
CIFAL Bangkok - Hidden Earthquake Induced Tsunami Risk in Thailand People
Side Event
Web based
Self-paced, open-enrolment event
Is this event associated with a learning outcome?
Does the event include an objective assessment of learning?
Duration of event
1 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
Registration method
Public – by registration
Mode of delivery

The characteristics and severity of an earthquake-induced tsunami depend on various factors, including the magnitude and depth of the earthquake, the vertical movement of the seafloor, the distance from the source to the coastline, and the shape and underwater topography of the coastal area. To understand the risk of seismic-induced Tsunami, as well as to minimize the risks, concerned agencies risk assessors need to have wider knowledge on causes and types of the earthquake near the coastal areas. This session will describe and analyze lessons learned from the recent earthquake occurring in Japan.

Event objectives
  • To share lessons learned from the recent earthquake in Japan
  • To identify important seismic risks and types of impacts caused by the disaster
  • To update knowledge and information of the unknown that concerned agencies need to know more to minimize the risks.
Content and Structure

Tentative topics

  • Characteristics and forms of seismic disaster which can cause earthquake in India and South China sea regions;
  • Chance and probability of the occurrence of earthquake induced Tsunami in Thailand; and
  • Risk areas and risk impact assessment.

This event will be conducted through the online training platform.

Targeted audience

Potential audiences of this online event include:

  • Academic institutions/ research institutions
  • Disaster risk management agencies / organizations
  • Risk assessors
  • Insurance regulators / supervisors
  • Financial service companies
  • Financial risk assessment professionals
Additional information

To complete the registration process, please follow this link: แบบฟอร์มลงทะเบียน Webinar: Hidden Earthquake Induced Tsunami Risk in Thailand (

To participate in this session a fee will be applicable. 

The session will take place online and will last 2 hours.


  1. Prof. Pennung Warnitchai, PH.D., Chair of Structural Engineering Program, AIT
  2. Asst. Prof. Panon Latcharote, D.Eng., Department