Dec 2023
CIFAL Malaga - 2030 Education I People
Web based
1 Jan 2023 to 31 Dec 2023
Is this event associated with a learning outcome?
Does the event include an objective assessment of learning?
Duration of event
5 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
Registration method
Public – by registration
Mode of delivery

Sustainable Development Education has to be considered as part of the quality of education. Every educational institution from kindergarten to higher education, whether it is formal or non-formal education, has to take action and start teaching about sustainable development and promote the importance of all the sustainable skills 


Event objectives

The main objective of the course is to train all education-related professionals and give them all the tools needed in order to integrate sustainable development principles. The aim is to allow them to gain the knowledge necessary so that they can integrate these sustainable development values into their learning methods. 


Content and Structure

MODULE 1. SDGs, a framework for the 2030 Education action
MODULE 2. Adjusting educational and curriculum designs to fit with the Sustainable Development Education

MODULE 3. Objectives and transversal key skills to succeed in the implementation of an education of Sustainable Development

MODULE 4. Design of teaching units and projects related with SDGs 

MODULE 5. Digital ecosystem and Backpack of educational resources for Sustainable Development projects

MODULE 6. Development of an integrating evaluation system

MODULE 7. Successful practises and SDGs network centres


Learning objectives
  • Allow teachers to create learning methods where the students can learn about sustainability
  • Make them aware of the importance of every one’s capacity to change the world
  • Identify and analyse problematic situations and collaborate in order to solve these situations
  • Embody a creative role in search for solutions that can better our surroundings

This course program is based on a 7-module format that allows working in theoretical and practical activities, suitable for all the sectors related to education. The course is given by Javier Bahón, SDG Certificate ambassador, trainer and adviser.


Targeted audience

Teachers of every level, centre leaders, students in the teaching, education and pedagogy field, CAP master students and particulars. 


Additional information

You will find the website of the course where all the content is explained. You will find more information about Javier Bahón. You can address more questions to the email above.