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5 June 2020, Kennesaw, USA – UNITAR’s International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Atlanta (CIFAL Atlanta) successfully concluded today a week-long “Education for Sustainability and Human Rights Virtual Seminar” held 1-5 June 2020. During the 5-day virtual seminar, funded by the Miner Anderson Family Foundation, K-12 teacher participants across the State of Georgia have been learning about the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, exploring the attributes of global citizenship and human rights, and developing ideas for how to utilize these attributes in the classroom. The main goal of this seminar is for teachers in Georgia within every grade level to learn tools to authentically examine and integrate Human Rights as well as Sustainable Development issues and initiatives into their students’ educational experiences.
1 June 2020, Malaga, Spain - UNITAR’s affiliated International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Malaga (CIFAL Malaga), with the support of UNICAJA Bank Foundation are pleased to present the “2030 Agenda and the SDGs Pedagogical Manual”, which aims to equip teachers with practical knowledge about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and targets to educate primary and secondary schoolchildren on these topics.
Ethiopia and UN CC:Learn have developed the guideline 'Integrating Climate Change into the Ethiopian Curriculum - An Annotated Guideline for Curriculum Developers' which was accepted into the current curriculum reform process. As next steps, the partnership will look at training of textbook authors on developing climate change content for climate change carrier subjects and climate change teaching in early 2020. 
Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) has launched a new summer course on Green Industry starting in July. Check out how to register!
Launched on 20 May 2020, a new consortium project Crowd4SDG will aim to examine opportunities for leveraging citizen science for monitoring climate impacts and achieving climate resilience. It is Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action supported by the European Commission's Science with and for Society (SwafS) programme. In addition to UNITAR, the consortium coordinated by the University of Geneva (UNIGE) includes a number of other leading European research centers and University: Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Polytechnic University of Milan (POLIMI), Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity of University of Paris (UPD) and CERN.
15 May 2020, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR and Arab Gulf Program for Development (AGFUND) launched its first joint online course on Fundamentals of Microfinance as part of a series of online courses aimed at supporting financial inclusion initiatives across the Middle East and Africa.
8 May 2020, Geneva, Switzerland – Motor vehicle injuries are a leading cause of death among children in many countries around the world. Unrestrained children are more likely to be killed in collisions than those using appropriate child restraints and seat belts.
7 May 2020, Atlanta, USA - UNITAR, the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Atlanta (CIFAL Atlanta), Kennesaw State University, the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Serve Learn and Sustain Center, and the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE) Greater Atlanta, with the support of Turner Foundation are launching the e-learning programme “Youth & the Sustainable Development Goals”.
5 May 2020, New York, USA (Zoom Workshop) - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in collaboration with Columbia Law School, hosted the last workshop in the Columbia Law School series. This series was is supported with funding allocated from the Swedish International Development Agency’s (SIDA) contribution to the UNITAR Strategic Framework Fund and hosted at the United Nations Headquarters. The course was attended by 150 participants that joined remotely through zoom.
May 5th, 2020, New York, USA, Zoom Workshop - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), in collaboration with the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science, hosted a workshop entitled “A Better Planet: Pathways to a Sustainable Future.”