Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting of Foreign Aid Training Programme

The UNITAR Hiroshima Office has developed a high-level Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting of Foreign Aid Training Programme which aims to strengthen the capacity and enhance the effectiveness and professional skills of a core group of senior government officials. Through an overview of the monitoring and evaluation framework, with practical exercises on implementing, monitoring, conducting evaluations and developing action plans. In addition, this programme provides exposure to best practices in implementing foreign aid strategies, as well as uniquely incorporate an examination of both European and Asian donor nation portfolios, thereby highlighting challenges and opportunities presented by respective cultural and regional scenarios.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the training programme participants will be able to:

  • Outline monitoring and evaluation frameworks
  • Illustrate methods for targeting monitoring of foreign aid
  • Implement effective foreign aid evaluation methods
  • Employ improved data collection and quality assurance techniques
  • Apply strategic reporting and dissemination systems
  • Plan and undertake Organisational Needs Assessments
  • Design and implement action plans
  • Demonstrate an understanding of Public Policy and Foreign Aid developments


The training programme is based on a blended-learning participatory approach and includes:

Interactive Lectures and Group Exercises

Interactive lectures are facilitated by key Resource Persons who examine the themes of the Workshop from a broad theoretical perspective down to case studies examining real world implementation. These presentations are augmented by small group exercises and frequent discussions from the floor, which serve to contextualise the issues being examined.

After-Action Reviews

Representing a key component of the Workshop, after-action reviews takes place within groups at the start of each morning, discussing the main issues raised in the previous presentations, as well as the specific frames of reference as applied to these by participants.

Study Tours

Underscoring the theoretical introductions and analysis presented, study tours form an integral part of the training methodologies utilised by UNITAR. Participants are able to relate to what has been seen and discussed in the training programme with actual examples of policy development and implementation.

Training the Trainer

A focus is made throughout the training sessions to relate the learning being facilitated to the realities on the ground. In addition, each participant is empowered to recreate the training upon their return to their organisation in order to achieve a self-propagating legacy of skills development.

The UNITAR Hiroshima Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Of Foreign Aid Programme has been successfully developed and delivered to the following entities:

United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; 22-25 April 2012

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