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"In 2011, tens of millions of people will  need help to survive. Conflicts and natural disasters will cut them off from their homes, their livelihoods, and from access to essentials like drinking water and health care. Many are the most vulnerable people in the world suffering from malnourishment, disease, or violence," said Valerie Amos, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator while launching in Geneva on 30 November the Humanitarian Appeal 2011.
UNITAR - Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA) partnership has come to fruition with the signing of a Special Purpose Grant agreement (SPG) and subsequently the selection of credible candidates from all the 23 Local Government Areas in Rivers State for the UNITAR/RKK Technical Skills Training in Norway and Namibia.
According to Thai official sources last week, the death toll from flooding in Thailand stands at little less than 200 people. Thailand's Disaster, Prevention and Mitigation Department begun the count on October 10 when heavy rains caused rivers to overflow in several regions in the country, and many residents fled flooded areas for higher ground.
An interview with Mr. Strauss-Kahn, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, aired on TSR on 23 November 2010 on the occasion of his participation, alongside World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General Mr.
15-19 November 2010, Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Multilateral Diplomacy Programme (MDP) in partnership with the Congolese Diplomacy Academy (DRC), as well as the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation, organized a workshop from 15-19 November 2010 in Kinshasa on Results-Based Management (RBM).
Delivering innovative training and conducting research is at the heart of UNITAR’s mission. On the 18th and the 19th November 2010, the Manager of UNITAR’s Peacekeeping Training Programme (PTP) took part in a series of events organised by the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. On this occasion, UNITAR was represented at the Study and Work Abroad Fair where students were introduced to PTP’s new courses on peace operations.
From the 8th to 12th of November 2010, UNITARs Peacekeeping Training Programme, in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), delivered a training of trainers (ToT) in Nairobi, Kenya on Natural Resource Management and Peacekeeping. This event, sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office, was attended by environmental focal points from 17 different UN missions and by representatives from four regional training centres.
South Korean President Myung Bak Lee announced the national 5-Year Green Growth Strategy in 2009, positioning Korea as the global leader for Green Growth and Low-Carbon Development.
Barcelona, Spain, 8-12 November 2010. The Police Platform for Urban Development hosted its second training from 8-12 November 2010 in Barcelona, Spain at the police training facilities of the Catalan Institute for Public Security (ISPC).