The 2nd UNITAR International Research Conference - December 3 - 4 2024
Building capacities to further the New Agenda for Peace - April 19th, 2024
The 1st International UNITAR Research Conference - Climate Security: Peace & Security Consequences of Climate Change - November 23rd to November 24th, 2023
Can Peace Ever Return to the Sahel? Exploring actions to help building resilience in a region of opportunities - March 29th,2023
Launch of E-Mobility in Kenya Project
Healthcare access, a bridge to sustainable peace: Sharing experiences for capacity-building in humanitarian contexts - February 11th, 2022
Gender and Sustainable Peace and Development - October 28th, 2021
(In English) Peacebuilders in the spotlight: The power of storytelling as a tool to give voice to the voiceless - "Peace in Focus" Magazine event launch - October 26th, 2021
(en español) Constructores de la paz en el foco: El poder de la narración como herramienta para dar voz a quienes no la tienen - Lanzamiento de la revista “Peace in Focus” - 26 de octubre de 2021
The role of humanitarian action and peacebuilding in pandemics and other global transversal issues - June 24th, 2021
(in English) Weaving Stories of Reconciliation: The power of storytelling and art as tools for reconciliation in Colombia and the Latin American continent - June 30th, 2021
(en español) Tejiendo Historias de Reconciliación: El poder de la narrativa y el arte como vehículos de reconciliación en Colombia y la región latinoamericana - 30 de junio de 2021
Peace Education, Challenges and Opportunities - June 18th, 2021
High-Level Meeting on Clean and Safe Energy in Refugee Settings: Moving Forward on the Clean Energy Challenge - 3 June 2021
Keeping Peace, Building Trust: Leading peace operations in the post-COVID world (International Day of UN Peacekeepers 2021) - 1 June 2021
Women's Leadership for Peace: Working towards gender equality in a male-dominated field - 11 March 2021
The Voices of Sustaining Peace: Innovating capacity building for peace in the face of COVID-19 - 20 January 2021
Women’s Leadership in Pandemic/ Humanitarian Crisis Preparedness and Response - Open Online Summit